The Easy Way To Make A Plan Work
- Posted by Rhiannon McHugh
- On March 31, 2021
In this episode, we’re talking about resolutions/goals, making a plan, and how to actually achieve those goals! We are well into the new year, and if you are like most people, those lofty goals you set up at the start of the new year have already fallen to the wayside. So let’s dive in, and see what you can do to create better goals and set out to actually achieve them!
Episode Summary
Most of us would love to make a plan to grow, both personally and professionally. But it’s easy to set goals that are too lofty, aren’t really actionable, or are inconsistent in nature. The best way to really achieve new heights is to set small, reasonable goals that you can easily insert into your everyday routine. Turn your goals into daily habits so they really stick and can help create long-lasting, sustainable change in your life.
Take action each day to reach your goal
- Make a plan and commit to it
- Break down your goal into specific, daily actions you can take
- Insert your daily action/habit into your everyday routine
For example, if you want to exercise more, set a small goal to do 20 squats every day. Then tack those squats onto something you already do every day, like brushing your teeth. So now, when you brush your teeth, you’re reminded to do your 20 squats as soon as you finish – or if you’re super talented, simultaneously!
Think about Improving 1% Each Day…
Taking a few minutes each day is totally doable! Whether it’s reading for 5 minutes, taking a 10-minute walk, or doing 20 squats – set these actionable goals that are super-specific and schedule them into your day. These small steps will lead to more and more improvement.
If you can take your goals and turn them into habits, THAT is how you can really create CHANGE in your life. If you think about it, that is what these goals are for, right? We are trying to make a change – and long-lasting change, at that! The best way to create lasting change is by developing a habit, and small daily action is exactly how to get that done!
Lighting the Spark
While 20 squats a day may not get you in the best shape of your life, it’s all about LIGHTING THE SPARK! On days when you are super tired, 20 squats are so easy you’ll still get it done. But on days when you are super motivated and have the time, those 20 squats might turn into 10 push-ups, a short jog, jumping jacks, etc. What started as 20 squats each day has turned into a short exercise circuit that we do daily – all we needed was a spark, and daily action to create the habit!
The Next 3 Steps:
- Commit to a small, consistent, daily action you can take. Make sure it’s something SO simple that it will only take you 5-10 minutes to complete. Just light that spark!
- Schedule it – Set the same time every day to do that activity. Maybe it’s when you first wake up at 8:00 am or after you brush your teeth at night. Just pick the time or routine activity to attach it to, so you actually get it done.
- Show up – Do it EVERY day! “Don’t break the streak!” should be a mantra! And if you do miss a day, it’s OK – life happens. But keep your commitment by following the rule of NEVER missing 2 days in a row.
Host Bio – Rhi and Pete [Rhi-Pete – now you’ll remember] are a wife and husband team who have been in business together for over a decade. They run a creative media agency [Do Something Different Media] that provides strategy and consulting, video production, website development, photography, graphic design, and content writing for small businesses.
Recommended Resources:
- Headspace – Sign up for Headspace
- Leave us a voicemail and be on an upcoming podcast – www.learnit-doit.com/podcast
- The Book: Atomic Habits by James Clear